The Contours of a National Health System in the India


Introduction: There is a broad system of health in India, but there are still many quality gaps between urban and rural areas, as well as between healthcare for public and private consumption. Despite this, given the comparatively low prices and high standard of its private hospitals, India is a popular destination for medical tourists. For specialized medical treatment, foreign students in India can expect to depend on private hospitals. Studying in India provides a plethora of challenges that might not be used by students from developing countries, so it is to note that how India’s System of health insurance functions if you need it. Health care is a big organization in India and would be very much like the remaining of the country: full of mystery and paradoxes. In 1991, in CESC Ltd. vs. Read more…

Medical Technology and Drugs


Introduction: As per the World Health Organisation (WHO), drugs and technology facilitate health services’ efficiency, primarily when provided at affordable costs to mass populations. WHO believes that each health system must strive to achieve this objective by balancing other necessary resources to have potent, safe, and high-quality medical technology and Read more…