Acceptance May Be Implied: Offer and Acceptance By Conduct of the Parties


Introduction: Agreements assume a significant part in our regular day-to-day existence going from protection approaches to work contracts. We go into contracts even without deduction, for instance, while purchasing a film ticket or downloading an application. The agreement is oral or composed arrangements between at least two gatherings. Gatherings going Read more…

Unsigned Agreements: The Consensus Ad Idem can be Spelt Out from the Correspondence Exchanged b/w Parties and Role of Courts in Determining Them.


Introduction: An Agreement is a promise between two entities creating mutual obligations by law. Section 2(e) of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 defines an agreement as ‘Every promise and every set of promises, forming the consideration for each other, is an agreement.[1] To form an agreement, the following ingredients are Read more…