Print Media Laws in India
It is emphasized that press & information are critical for functioning of a democracy and it coexist with freedom of speech and expression.
It is emphasized that press & information are critical for functioning of a democracy and it coexist with freedom of speech and expression.
The act provides everything necessary for a country’s journalism to flourish and freedom of speech and information to remain protected.
Earlier the cable operators were not required a license to broadcast & this led to broadcasting of programs without any regulation in India.
The harmony and security of the general public should not be disturbed during the process of expressing one’s thoughts.
Any anyone who believes the advertisements are inaccurate, misleading, offensive, or unfair can file a complaint under the ASCI Code.
The right to freedom of speech and expression includes right to educate, inform, entertain and right to be educated, informed and entertained.
This Act covers all the aspects of rights and duties that has been provided to the people working in a media house.
Cinema has always been crucial in upholding the values and principles which the general masses consider important.
Individual’s right of speech and expression may be restricted under certain situations if such right harms another person.
Each publisher of a book, newspaper, or serial must deliver a copy of the item to the National Library of India in Kolkata.
In the digital world, “your brand name is 10 times more valuable than it is in the actual world,” says Brandy Thomas, CEO of Cyveillance Inc.
The proposed bill contains both positive as well as negative impacts and make the cinema a weapon to be used by the government to spread propaganda.