Forensic Report Writing
Some facts, not otherwise relevant, are relevant if they are inconsistent with the opinions of experts when such opinions are relevant.
Some facts, not otherwise relevant, are relevant if they are inconsistent with the opinions of experts when such opinions are relevant.
Cybercrime scenes are different from traditional crimes & electronic evidence can easily be altered or tampered with.
Physical fitness of the dog is taken into consideration and the dogs are imparted training keeping in mind the features of their breed.
Forensic Scientist helps the investigating officer of criminal or civil cases by examining the evidence collected.
Forensic experts play a significant role in collection and evidence and information in sexual assault cases.
Forensic science, sometimes referred to as criminalistics, applies the knowledge of science to the definition and enforcement of laws.
The presence of a forensic van at the crime scene itself makes the process less time-consuming and effective.
Drug Analysis is the testing of the components of a substance in a laboratory to determine the legality and harmful effects of the substance.