
According to the United Nations, “Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, regardless of race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, or any other status”. In India, the National Human Rights Commission is responsible for the protection and promotion of human rights. The Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993 states that the commission is the protector of “rights relating to life, liberty, equality, and dignity of the individual guaranteed by the Constitution or embodied in the International Covenants“.

The functions of the National Human Rights Commission are as follows:-

a) Inquire in an issue– National Human Rights Commission inquires an issue on its initiative or it can also be based on a petition presented to it by a victim or any person on the victim’s behalf. The complaint can be anything regarding:-

i ) Abatement or human rights violation or

ii) Negligence by a public servant to prevent any such violation;

b) Intervene in any proceeding– National Human Rights Commission intercedes in any proceedings which involve any kind of allegation regarding violation of human rights that is pending before a court. This is with the approval of such court;

c) Visit jails– The National Human Rights Commission can visit any jail or any other institution under the notification of the State government; which is under the control of the State Government. The institution includes places where persons are detained for reformation, treatment, or protection. This is to study the living condition of the inmates so that recommendations can be made thereon ;

d) Review laws protecting human rights– National Human Rights Commission reviews the safeguards by or under the Constitution of India; or any law which is in force for the protection of human rights for the time being. It is reviewed to recommend measures for the effective implementation of these laws to protect people from violation of human rights;

e) Review the factors that inhibit the enjoyment of human rights– National Human Rights Commission review the factors which include acts of terrorism that restrain the enjoyment of human rights; and consequently it recommends appropriate remedial measures;

f) Study treaties and other international instruments- National Human Rights Commission study treaties and other international instruments which deal with human rights. After studying it makes recommendations for the effective implementation of these treaties and other instruments;

g) Research– National Human Rights Commission undertakes and promotes research in the field of human rights;

h) Promotion of awareness– National Human Rights Commission promotes in spreading human rights literacy among various sections of society. It also promotes awareness of the available safeguards for the protection of human rights through all available media such as publications, the media, seminars, etc;

i) Encourage the efforts of Non-Governmental Organizations– National Human Rights Commission encourages NGOs efforts and every other institution that works in the field of human rights;

j) Such other functions– the National Human Rights Commission may consider such other functions as necessary for the promotion of human rights.

The above mentioned are the functions of the National Human Rights Commission. Nowadays cases on violation of human rights are rapidly increasing, so do the cases piling up in the National Human Rights Commission. Any person who is victimized for violation of human rights can approach the State Human Rights Commission set up by the National Human Rights Commission in every state. If the case is of national importance then the person can approach the National Human Rights Commission.


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