

The healthcare industry is one of the top-rising industries other than any other industry. The healthcare industry has adopted various technological changes easily. The healthcare industry has adopted two generations of technology with ease but has difficulty in adopting the third level of digitalization due to various factors including privacy issues and acceptance by the customers.

Digitalization helps to quickly access and understand data, which makes it difficult with manual data. Digitalization includes many areas like patients’ information and their records electronically with the help of artificial intelligence, smartphones, genomics, robotics, etc. Digitalization in the healthcare sector is electronically combining technology and genomics in healthcare, life, and society.

The purpose of digitalization is to expand health systems through digital health technologies for consumers, medical professionals, service providers, and patients by achieving the vision of health for all. In the global context, the digitalization of the healthcare sector is understood as “the field of knowledge and practice associated with the development and use of digital technologies to improve health”. It enhances and boosts the outcomes of the healthcare sector.

Objectives of Digitalization

Some of the objectives of digitalization in the healthcare sector are as follows: –

  1. It provides us with more capabilities in healthcare delivery.
  2. It enhances and boosts access to healthcare data.
  3. It also lessens the cost of various treatments.
  4. It expands and improves the quality of care given by professionals.
  5. It also provides with personalization of medicines for each patient individually as per their requirement and needs.

Advancement of Healthcare Sector

Various new technologies have been developed which reduce costs and improve efficiency by enhancing patient satisfaction and their experience. According to WHO in the future, a patient’s medical data will be accessible anytime at anywhere. Because of this, a patient can seek medical advice from anywhere in any remote area. Following are some of the advancements in the healthcare sector –


Telecare is a team that offers remote care and remote patient monitoring system. Due to this, the patients can manage by staying at home. With the help of Information Technology and Telecommunication, it has helped to remove the distance from home to hospital and has enhanced the access to medical technology. This is very much helpful in saving the life of people in emergencies, as it gives access to the best healthcare services from anywhere in the world. In simple words, it allows the remote exchange of data between patients and medical professionals by helping them in diagnosis and monitoring of the problem. One of the examples of Telecare or Telemedicine is ‘Apollo Telehealth’.

Patient Portal Technology

Patient Portal Technology in healthcare is one of the most convenient platforms in the healthcare sector. this gives access to the health information of the patients to the medical professionals and the patients can easily interact with the physicians directly.  This is a very user-friendly method or way of getting exactly what patients are looking for.  Because this advancement of technology provides an easy searching facility and helps to develop better communication between physicians and patients. An example of patient portal technology is ‘GE Healthcare’.

Healthcare Applications

Due to various developments in Information Technology, various software applications have been developed which are accessible through smartphones as well. These applications guide people about the dos and don’ts of a healthy lifestyle with the tips to make it better. This technology also provides the facilities like a diagnosis of problems, remote monitoring, information regarding laboratories and hospitals including specialized physicians for the concern, and importantly to collect the records or data of the patients. ‘Practo’ and ‘Medscape’ are some of the examples of healthcare applications in India

Personalized Healthcare

Personalized Healthcare is customized healthcare for individuals. This gives patients specific and accurate healthcare as per patients’ needs and requirements. Previously, patients used to go through various screening and diagnostic tests leading to time-consuming and used to get medicines prescribed by doctors without considering any genetic differences amongst the patients. In simple words, personalized healthcare means developing customized medicines for individuals according to their genetic profiles.

Wearable Technology

Wearable Technology plays a vital role in the digitalization of the Healthcare Sector. This technology allows multi-tasking and is convenient for users because these devices work from everywhere. Digital Wearables are much helpful for patients with diabetes and blood pressure, etc. As wearable devices contain sensors that record live data and transmit it to phones through applications, which leads to better lifestyle and health management care. These devices stores an entire day’s data and can be compared with the previous data to check the health parameters. Wearable Technology Devices help in monitoring heart rate, calories count, the oxygen level in the body, sleep monitoring, workout tracking, phone data like SMS and call records, etc. This is one of the most useful technology and healthcare gadget is worn by most people in society.

Remote Patient Monitoring

Remote Patient Monitoring systems coordinate with patients outside the hospitals. Its main objective is to monitor the data generated by patients from their homes through healthcare applications. This gives better access to medical healthcare professionals by keeping the patient’s data confidential. This respects the personal freedom and independence of patients. Remote Patient Monitoring benefits with early detection of problems in a convenient way. This saves the cost and time and also upgrades the lifestyle of the patients.

Advantages of Digitalization in the Healthcare Sector

Patients nowadays enjoy getting access to all their health stats digitally rather than opting for traditional methods. It is not only easy and convenient but also quick and efficient as it saves a lot of time and energy. It is easier to pay our health bills, plus keep track of them without any hesitation. We also get the advantage of sharing or reviewing our medical history with our doctors and family members hassle-free, which helps in keeping track of all the medical records with a better approach. It is also quite easy to keep everything documented and organized.

Disadvantages of Digitalization in the Healthcare Sector

As we know with boon comes bane, and hence there are also some disadvantages of this constantly evolving digitalization in the health sector. Sometimes because of the complicated and complex suggestions or comments given by digital devices can cause severe or in some cases acute tension. It may lead to major health concerns. Not to mention but the unethical practices can access the health devices as well which in order can result in a leak of all the health data of any patient. People behind these practices can also approach the patients in an unethical way which can again lead to major health concerns. Considering everything, we can also say that it’s very much expensive and not affordable for everyone because of its maintenance and up-gradation. It needs to be upgraded quite recently times and has a complex procedure.


Due to the Digitalization of the healthcare sector, electronic records will replace all manual records by making an advanced step in the revolution in the healthcare sector. Digitalization also helps to improve the doctor-patient relationship by keeping them in touch through various healthcare applications or portals. Because of Digitalization, it has become very easier to manage problems in a better way. Digitalization and technology will be key to better combat the constant threats to public health.


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