

The significant thought lying behind section 52 of Transfer of Property Act is that in a suit, which is as yet forthcoming regarding its assurance, the norm ought to be kept up and thusly it ought to stay unaffected by the demonstration of any of the gatherings to the suit. It makes it explicitly certain that during a case wherein the contest between any of the occasions is with respect to one side of any steadfast property, such resources can’t be moved by utilizing any of the gatherings to the fit which as a final product would likewise influence the privileges of the contrary birthday celebration worried in the question. This guideline doesn’t get disposed of after the excusal of the suit.

After the excusal of the case and sooner than filling of the allure, the ‘lis’ keeps up to exist, and thusly the litigant might be kept from moving the property to the bias of the offended party. The clarification to the Part makes it very evident that the lis will be considered to have begun from the date while the plaint will be provided in the court and will keep on existing until the time such continuing has been chosen and a last request or pronouncement has been acquired went with complete fulfillment or release of such degree or request.


” Lis pendens ” in a real sense implies a forthcoming suit or cause and where ‘ Lis ‘ implies an air conditioner on or suit, while ‘ pendens ‘ implies continuing or forthcoming. This regulation is gotten from a la n proverb ” Ut swinging nihil innovetur ” which implies that during li ga on nothing ought to be change.

Object of the Doctrine

The object of Section 52 is to subordinate all subsidiary interests or all interests got from gatherings to a suit by method of move of pendente light to the rights proclaimed by the announcement in the suit and to pronounce that they will not be fit for being upheld against the rights obtained by the declaration holder. A transferee in such conditions in this way faces the result of the declaration which party who made the exchange to him would take as the gathering to the suit. The guideline of lis pendens encapsulated in Section 52 being a standard of Public Arrangement, no inquiry of sincere trust or real emerges.

Lis Pendens

‘Lis’ signifies an activity or a suit. ‘Pendens’ is the current standard of Pendo, which means proceeding or forthcoming, and the principle of lis pendens might be characterized as the ward, force, or control that courts have, during the pendency of an activity over the property included in that.

Basis of the Doctrine

The part fuses the notable principle of lis pendens which, to cite Turner, L.J. lays on the establishment. The precept of compensation which the part consolidates depends on the rule that the demonstrations of the courts ought not to be permitted to work injury on the admirers. The guideline contained in this part depends on the English custom-based law greatest light pendente nihil trailblazer for example during prosecution no new rights ought to be presented. It restricts estrangement of property when a question identifying with the equivalent is forthcoming in a courtroom anticipating removal by the equivalent.

The standard contained in Section 52 is additionally called the standard of lis pendens and makes moves pendente light, subject to the choice of the Court. As a guideline of value, equity, and great still, small voice, this standard applies even where the Demonstration doesn’t matter.

Doctrine of Lis Pendens: A Critical Evaluation

The fundamental elements of the tenet of lis pendens are –

(i) A case ought to be forthcoming in a court of capable purview

(ii) The suit must relate a particular resolute property

(iii) The suit ought not be conniving

(iv) The suit ought to identify with a privilege in this particular property

(v) Property ought not be moved or in any case managed

(vi) By any gathering to the suit

(vii) To influence the privileges of any gathering thereto

(viii) Till the last removal of the case

Application of Section 52

For the utilization of Section 52 the accompanying conditions must be fulfilled:

  1. A suit or a procedure in which any privilege to undaunted property is straightforwardly and explicitly being referred to must be forthcoming.
  2. The suit or the procedure will not be a tricky one.

Such property during the pendency of such a suit or continuing can’t be moved or in any case managed by any gathering to the suit or continuing to influence the privilege of some other gathering thereto under any declaration or request which might be passed in that aside from under the authority of Court.  For summoning the principle of lis pendens under S. 52 T.P. Act, the inquiry whether the ensuing transferee was involved with the suit or not will be not material Where the whole plots were in the contest, the transferee of even 33% offer in the plots was held limited by the consequence of the case in regard of the apparent multitude of plots than in debate. Section 52 forces a forbiddance on move or in any case managing any property during the pendency of a suit gave the conditions set down in the Part are fulfilled.

The tenet of lis pendens encapsulated in Section 52 is expected to keep involved with a suit from making a task conflicting with the rights which might be set up in the suit and which may require a further gathering to be impleaded to make viable the Court’s announcement. The impact of Section 52 isn’t to clear out a deal pendente light by and large however to subordinate it to the rights dependent on the declaration in the suit.

Non-Applicability of Doctrine

It isn’t the law that the principle of lis pendens would be relevant for each situation. Or maybe there are numerous occasions where this teaching doesn’t make a difference. Following are the occasions:

(a) private deal by a mortgagee in exercise of intensity presented by contract deed isn’t influenced by the regulation of lis pendens epitomized in the part and the deal is substantial, however, made during the pendency of a recovery suit recorded by the mortgagor.

(b) To instances of audit.

(c) When the transferor alone is influenced.

(d) To a request passed against an intervenor in execution procedures as the best possible cure in such cases is a suit under O. 21. 63 of the Code of Common Technique, 1908.

(e) To a neighborly suit.

(f) Where the procedures are tricky.

(g) To yearly rents and such different goes about as are either the important or the customary sensible episodes of a break useful delight.

(h) To an exchange forthcoming suit by an individual who isn’t involved with such suit.

(I) To individual property other than the asset interests in land.

(j) To the stretch that slips between excusal of a suit and a new suit on a similar reason for activity.

(k) Where the gatherings to the exchange are run on a similar side.

(l) To move influenced by request of the court in which suit or procedures is forthcoming.

(m) Where estrangements are not conflicting with the rights which might be set up by the pronouncement in the suit.

(n) The precept of lis pendens doesn’t matter to the instance of an individual who, during the pendency of a home loan suit acquires a home loan of the property, in thought for cash paid by him and utilized by the mortgagor to take care of the suit contract.

Critical Evaluation

Basic Assessment

The language of the part is prohibitive in nature. Section 52 uses the articulation ‘the property can’t be moved or regardless oversaw’. All the while, the trade pendente light isn’t void, anyway is only reliant upon the consequence of the prosecution. The move is as such voidable at the instance of the affected party, yet to the extent that it may struggle with rights declared under the declaration held to be significant and usable as between the gatherings. The transferee just takes the title of the transferor subject to the eventual outcome of imminent sanctioning. The standard doesn’t disintegrate the development yet conveys it submissive to the benefits of the social affairs to the movement, as directed by the proclamation.

Right of alienee pendente light to be argued as involved with the lis

The dominating perspective is that a transferee swinging light can’t look for impleadment when the move was influenced during the pendency of allure without the authorization of the court and with full information that the norm request was in presence. The candidate in the suit would be dominus litus, and on the off chance that he needs to face a determined challenge, the court may not practice its tact to implead him, and he can’t battle that he has any free directly over the suit property well beyond the privilege of the merchant who is involved with the lis.

The reason being that an individual who disregards the law can never be treated as holding a legitimate enforceable right and consequently an opposition at the occurrence of a transferee of judgment account holder during the pendency of the procedures can’t be supposed to be opposition or hindrance by an individual in his own privilege and he is in this way not qualified to get his case mediated. The Zenith Court has clarified the situation in the accompanying words.

Right of any other party under the decree

The regulation doesn’t make a difference only to genuine exchanges or rights which are the topic of case however to different dealings with it ‘by any gathering to the suit or procedures, in order to influence the privilege of some other gathering thereto. ‘Some other gathering’ signifies an individual among whom and the gathering distancing there is an issue for choice, which may be biased by the estrangement.

The standard of lis pendens is instituted to support the outsider, and not for the gathering making the transfer. This legal right is given to the gathering to the suit other than the estranging party, to have an estrangement put aside so far as it is vital for the insurance of his own privileges.

Recommendation by Supreme Court

The High Court likewise gave its proposals to the Law Commission of India and the Parliament suggesting a change in law in the accompanying terms. It is important to allude to the difficulty, misfortune, tension, and superfluous prosecution caused by virtue of nonattendance of a system for planned buyers to check whether a property is dependent upon any forthcoming suit or a pronouncement or connection.

At present, a planned buyer can without much of a stretch get some answers concerning any current encumbrance over a property either by assessment of the Enrollment Registers or by making sure about an endorsement identifying with encumbrances (that is duplicates of passages in the Enlistment Registers) from the jurisdictional Sub-Recorder under Section 57 of the Enrollment Demonstration, 1908. Yet, an imminent buyer has no chance to get of discovering whether there is any suit or continuing forthcoming in regard of the property, if the individual contribution the property available to be purchased doesn’t uncover it or purposely stifles the data.

It is of some intrigue that an answer has been found to this issue in the Conditions of Maharashtra by a suitable nearby revision to Section 52 of the Demonstration, by Bombay Act 4 of 1939. Section 52, as pertinent in the Maharashtra and Gujarat, It is wanted that the Law Commission and the Parliament considers such alteration or other reasonable correction to cover the current void in title confirmation or due tirelessness strategies.

Case Laws

Khemchand Chandra Choudhary v Vishnu Hari

 In the instance of Khemchand Chandra Choudhary v Vishnu Hari Patil it was said that a transferee pendente light of an intrigue will be bound to a degree with respect to their enthusiasm for the suit. The privilege of transferee to be heard before any request is made is perceived in Rule 10 of Section 22 of the Code of Common Strategy. He can likewise favor an allure against a request made in the procedures gave he does so the leave of the Investigative Court where he isn’t now welcomed on record. Further, it was likewise fought that a beneficiary or a legatee or a transferee can partake in the procedures despite the fact that they don’t have their names in the announcement and they can’t be turned out in the event that they apply to the court to be impleaded as gatherings.

Ramji Das v Laxmi Kumar & Ors.

That the option to dodge move during a forthcoming prosecution is a voidable right and that on the off chance that the exchange isn’t evaded by any gathering to the case, at that point the transferee can guarantee that nothing has made due to be authorized and that such right has been lost.


The privilege mulled over under Section 52 no uncertainty can be utilized both as a blade and a shield, contingent upon such realities as to

(i) what rights or intrigue is moved,

(ii) who the influenced party is,

(iii) how and in what way, the exchange is probably going to ‘influence’ any gathering to the forthcoming ‘procedures.

It very well may be utilized as a shield in a resulting or similar continuing between similar gatherings. Any individual who might want to utilize it as blade, should be that as it may, first set up his entitlement to do so when, in any resulting continuing a complaint is taken to his case to do as such. Infact if the exchange was not dodged by any of the gatherings to the previous continuing prone to be influenced by such exchange, the transferee isn’t kept from asserting that the option to evade the exchange was lost and that nothing made due to be upheld.



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