

In December, the Modi led BJP Government passed the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA). This Act grants citizenship to refugees of every major South Asian (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Pakistan) religion; such as Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis and Christians except Muslims. In conjunction with a planned National Register of Citizens (NRC), Muslims fear that the aforementioned law will make India’s Muslim community aliens in their own country; and will consequently undermine the secular foundations of India by making religion the basis of citizenship.

In response to this, various riots and protests started – some in favor of it and some against it. Though activists led these protests, due to a Muslim majority, people see them through communal eyes. And consequently give a label of ‘tukde-tukde gang’, ‘libtards’, ‘commies’ and ‘Modi- haters’. Tukde-Tukde Gang initially referred to a section of JNU students after the 2016 unrest. But now its use is for the people who are against BJP, its ideology, and have a motive to divide India.

One of the anti-CAA protests led to major riots in Delhi in February during the Namaste Trump Program. The unrest began when Kapil Mishra, a local BJP leader threatened to remove Muslim protesters. These protesters were peacefully protesting against CAA. This led to communal violence between Hindu and Muslims. The mobs were armed with revolvers, stones, sticks, swords, etc. The police were using tear-gas and lathis to assuage the riot. As a result of all of this, the riot turned brutal. It led to the death of 13 people – 12 civilians and one policeman.

Arrest of People Behind the Riot

Currently, the world is facing a humanitarian crisis due to the global pandemic. Doctors, policemen, grocery shop vendors are somehow sacrificing their safety; everyone is under constant stress and anxiety. The government has misplaced priorities. It is keen on arresting the people part of the riot or its mastermind.

The Delhi Crime Branch has filed a charge sheet against activist Umar Khalid, AAP leader Tahir Husain and several other conspirators; and also the ‘Tukde-Tukde Gang’. Arnab Goswami, a journalist and television news anchor claims a coordination in the riots; and these people were trying to burn India. Another person Pradeep Bhandari, founder of Jan ki Baat made claims that these people are trying to create anarchy in India. It is a claim that Taheer Hussain(the mastermind) and Tukde Tukde gang planned this at Shaheen bagh protest. Women led the peaceful Shaheen bagh protest against CAA and other issues such as police brutality, NRC, the safety of women, etc. Further, the Delhi police claims that these groups as a part of a larger conspiracy; and as connected with the India Against Hate Group and Umar Khalid.

Apart from Delhi Riot’s arrest, there was also Pinjra Tod arrest which again shows where exactly the priority of government lies in such a situation.  Delhi Police has arrested two young women activists – Devangana and Natasha from Pinjra Tod – women-led rights collective. These women were protesting against CAA; and now they face charges under draconian law of Unlawful Activities Prevention Act.

Misplaced Priorities

The level of involvement of these people in the riots will only come to light later. But this should not be a matter of concern in the global pandemic. The main focus of the government should have been on the migrant worker problem and the economic crisis as due to the government’s decision of countrywide lockdown without prior intimation has left a lot of people homeless and jobless. It is affecting the poor and marginalized workers a lot more than a rich businessman. Further, the Arogya Setu app introduced by the Government for tracking Covid-19 patients is invading privacy to an extent that could be hard to imagine.

 The Covid-19 pandemic is taking a backseat by becoming a second priority as priority is shifted to the Delhi Riot Conspiracy case. In light of what presently the entire country is going through, the government should not use this lockdown as a free pass to arrest people rather it should focus on the post-Corona situation and work towards the betterment of the lives of its citizens who are complying to government’s nationwide lockdown.


At present, the government should not use the cloak of coronavirus to arrest these activists who were protesting against a law which they believe is going against their rights. Citizens well being should be a top priority. Further, something needs to be done regarding the Citizenship Amendment Act.


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