
Among seven nations of South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation India stands on first position in having loads of religion like Buddhism in Sri Lanka and Bhutan, Hinduism in Nepal, Islam in Bangladesh, Maldives, and Pakistan. But India is rich in social composition as many religions originated and foreign religion also flourished here.

According to the census of India 2001 Hindu occupy 80.5% then the second most followed religion is Islam i.e., 13.4%, rest occupy little space like Christian are 2.3%, Sikhs are 1.9%, Buddhism 0.8% and Jains are 0.4%. Despite having many religions and the basic principle of secularism, India has been reported with many religious crimes. The word secular in Indian Constitution has been incorporated after the 42nd amendment 1976.

Now the preamble reads that India is Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic. Right to Freedom of Religion has been granted to all, Article 25 gives freedom of conscience and free profession, practice and propagation of religion, Article 26 gives freedom to manage related affairs while Article 27 grants freedom as to payment of taxes for its promotion and Article 28 gives freedom as to attendance as religious worship in certain educational institution. Thus freedom of religion subject to morality, health, and public health.

Analyzing human civilization there were two main factors i.e., religion and crime that have always played a role. This word religion is a socio-cultural system that forms a belief in humans to worship a supernatural power that we think controls us. It is this religion that existed from the very beginning of human civilization and came into existence much later.

Crime in religion is unfortunately an everyday fact that occurs all around the world as it is rightly said that every religious dogma is a germ of crime and discord, which nowadays seems to be very true. Religious offenses mean any action which offends religious sensibilities and arouses negative emotions in people related to their superpower usually related to orthodox response or correction of sin. India is the second most populated country in the world with many religions based on the concept of Karma and Dharma. From ancient times till now religious crimes took place very often.

Cases like Ramji Lal Modi v. State where petitioner was punished for publishing an objectionable article in a magazine. Rangila Rasul Case, Risala-i-Vartaman Case are some cases that deal with acts that are deliberate and malicious and intend to outrage the religious feelings of any class under section 295-A of IPC,1860. Other acts that disturb religious assembly under section 296 of IPC, Trespassing on burial places under section 297 of IPC, uttering words, etc to wound religious feelings deliberately under section 298 of IPC and injuring or defiling place of worship to insult religion under section 295 are punishable under law.

According to a survey hate crimes motivated by religious bias shot up to a decade high in 2018. Despite the fact that all religion speaks about communal harmony and peaceful coexistence most war on earth are fought in the name of religion. Religion is the worst enemy of mankind, no single war in the history of humanity has killed as many people as religion has. The war between Iran and Iraq for over 8 years, wars in Lebanon, terrorist attacks in India are being carried out in names of hidden religious overtones.

People like Asaram Bapu, Gurmeet Ram Rahim are some of those people behind the religious veils do all the immoral acts. In these crucial times of pandemic, some people in the name of religion spread hatred in a society like some Muslims went to the mosque for prayers and disobeyed rules laid down by the government. Religious freedom condition in India is on drastic downward trend says USCIRF aslast year a 24yr old, young Muslim man, tied up, bleeding heavily all over, was lynched by mob forced him to chant Jai Shree Ram and another Muslim cab driver was also beaten up by a group of men for not chanting the same. Thus it is the religion only that turns innocence into crime as religious fundamentalists put their religious beliefs over others, causing communal violence and tensions.

In the end, public opinion must be mobilized against superstitions which are deep-rooted in any religion and greater stress must be laid on spiritual aspects of Dharma rather than rituals or formalities insisted upon by priests. This would decrease the crime in pilgrim places. People should respect other religions and should not blaspheme god. Government unlike nowadays must be neutral for every religion, it must protect every religion of the country. The government must initiate stringent measures to save our country’s secularism. Humanity should be our only religion as there is a well-said quote by Abraham Lincoln that when I do good, I feel good, and when I do bad, I feel bad, that’s my religion. Mahatma Gandhi also once quoted that it’s pleasant that there will be no religion in heaven. So now it’s time to halt the hate and see the world based as one based on humanity.


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