
 “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”


Equality is “the state of being equal” which has no boundaries concerning individuals residing in society. All individuals are given an equal opportunity without any discrimination. No matter where the individual works they deserve to be treated equally whether one is working in the health department or a technical hard labor field. Doctors, for example, have a duty to accept the plea of all individuals of all ages and backgrounds. If doctors are not fulfilling their sworn obligations towards society it can lead to a negative impact on society. According to article 29 of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, states the “Duty Towards the Community”. This means that doctors and every individual have a duty towards other people and should protect their rights and freedom. Health care providers and civilians have the right to help individuals while taking corrective measures towards their care and consider human rights.

World Health Organization (WHO) is concerned with the serious, sudden, unusual, or unexpected circumstances which occur globally. It draws attention to public health beyond the affected states and national borders, which requires immediate international action as it is related to COVID-19. During this pandemic, WHO is the only organization that is informing individuals about the symptoms, precautions, and ways to fight the World Widespread virus. According to WHO, understanding health as a human right creates a legal obligation on Nations to ensure access to timely, acceptable and affordable health care of appropriate quality as well as to provide them with underlying determinants of health, such as safe and potable water, sanitation, food, housing, health-related information, and education, and most importantly gender equality.

COVID-19 is the first Global Pandemic since the Spanish flu of 1918 which is also known to be the 1918 flu pandemic. It lasts for 36 months; an estimated 500 million individuals infected worldwide and killed an estimated 20 million to 50 million people. It was first observed in Europe, the United States and in some parts of Asia before spreading around the world. Whereas COVID-19 is an airborne virus that originated from Wuhan, China at the end of 2019. Cases of COVID-19 grew rapidly and have become a serious situation globally, where there has been a serious loss of lives due to the virus.


The objective is to make you aware of the hard work, dedication and hardship doctors have witnessed all over the world in the past several months. Doctors and their team members are the real heroes in the present scenario as they are tirelessly working and risking their lives by saving lives that are affected by COVID-19. Due to this, all the countries have also declared a nationwide lockdown. Whereas, WHO declared a Global Health Emergency, as this virus is transmitted human to human.

Doctors are working day and night to save the life of other people. Doctors know based on their expertise of which patient will survive and will not survive. During the treatment of the COVID-19 virus, many allegations have been imposed on doctors that they are not providing sufficient medical care or resources to patients, such as ventilators. This is due to the limited supply of the resources and they are focusing on the patients who have a higher chance of survival. According to Section 88 and Section 92 of the Indian Penal code, 1860, if consent is given by the person or if it’s a necessity to do act in a good faith and if it causes to death then it is not an offense. The right of doctors is to save the life of patients, but equally, patients have the right to respect the decision of each doctor at the given moment.

India introduced The Epidemic Disease Act, in 1897. It is India’s solitary law that has been historically used as due to the spread of other various diseases like Cholera or Malaria. However, it is insufficient to deal with the ongoing circumstances of COVID-19. Since there are limited resources and to deal with this virus affectively, exceptional measures and prescribed regulations have been taken by the Central and State government in India and as well as other countries.  Section 144 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860, has been enforced which prohibits public gathering. Section 188 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860, also has been enforced which deals with acts of disobedience to a government order. This has been implemented for safety so that every individual can prevent themselves from the spread of this virus.

 The basic law that protects you from receiving and providing health care services is an individual’s Human Rights. It mainly protects individuals from discrimination. Human Rights Codes are applied to the services from a home care program office or any health care facility. Violation or lack of attention to human rights can lead to serious health consequences on patients. If there is discrimination that can be overt or implicit while the delivery of the service both in the case of the health workforce or service users then it can lead to powerful barriers to health services and also contributes to poor quality of care.

The life of doctors is equally important as of any individual’. During the time of the patients’ treatment, doctors wear personal protection types of equipments such as- masks, gloves, and gowns for eight hours without peeing or eating. The centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended health care workers to wear an N95 mask, which filters out airborne particles and tiny droplets, so if an infected person sneezes then his particle does not enter their body.

A doctor is not enough to provide health care. Health care at its most basic requires a team of health care providers and assistants, no matter how serious a situation is. For example, if an individual goes to a doctor for treatment it is the patient’s responsibility to follow the doctor’s guidelines and take the appropriate medication from the pharmacy. So, medical shops are also known to be a health care provider. The doctors are not only health care providers. Nurses, pharmacists, administrative staff, technologists and technicians, and therapists, also contribute in providing proper health care.


It is said that doctors and health care providers are true heroes. It is because they are the lifesavers who work tirelessly. The life of doctors is equally important as of any individual’. It is a right of doctors and health care providers globally, to save the life of citizens and protect them from diseases and infections. The toughest job in the present scenario is that of the doctors who leave their homes to protect the life of other people so that no family can lose his/her member.


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