Politics is a constant factor in a day to day life. In the present situation where the lives of the people all over the world are in danger it is important to focus on the protection of the life and liberty of a person. Politics plays an important role in the protection and restoration of the rights of the people. If the motive of any party behind their political move is to protect the rights of the people then such moves can result in some positive impact upon the lives of the people. But in the present era of vote bank politics the real issues and problems get suppressed. Every political party is busy attracting voters and proving that the other parties are not competent or are not concerned. Every party is just concerned about the appeasement politics and the ways to turn the voters in their favor.

Harsh Reality
The COVID19 pandemic is a real threat to human life as well as for the economy. As it is a communicable disease, lots of care. Precautions are expected to be taken from the side of government. The restrictions are imposed, lockdown is announced. But in the process of protecting the country from the virus several rights and liberties; of the people throughout the country are suspended. People are starving at several places because of no availability of food and money. Some workers were surviving on their everyday income. But now as all the companies, factories, and manufacturing plants are closed they are not able to earn their livelihood.
There is also a constant fear of death in the minds of those workers. There is a panic situation all around. The migrant laborers are therefore running towards their home. The situation is not appropriate for the movement but any other better alternative is also not available. Even in this kind of situation every political party is busy playing their political cards. It is trying to prove that they are the ones who are most concerned about the life of the people throughout the country. The life of every individual in the country is precious. Therefore every political party at this time should come together for the protection and upliftment of the society.
During the lockdown several rights of the people of the country were suspended. Movement of the people, freedom of trade, and occupation were restricted. But the rules were not universal. Still some class of people were getting the e-pass for their movement.
Court’s View
There were several questions raised before the court of law on the unequal treatment. And unreasonable restrictions imposed during the lockdown. Courts acknowledged the factor that restrictions were imposed on the fundamental rights of the people of the country. Still in most of the cases they supported the acts of the government. They tried to establish a balance between the requirement of fundamental rights during a pandemic and restrictions imposed on the same.
The non-availability of essentials at many points, lack of proper medical facility at different places, lack of medical equipments, religious battles at different parts of the country, improper behave with the medical staff, people not following the norms of lockdown, are some of the major problems which resulted in a more dramatic situation all over the country. Still there were people who came forward and provided essentials and monetary help to the one in need. There were different NGOs, several religious groups, and many individuals who have provide and are still providing their services daily to the people in need.
We all are fighting a very difficult battle with coronavirus. Therefore it is need that we understand the seriousness of the situation and work together in such a manner that this virus can have a minimum impact on the lives of the people as well as on the economy of the country. Political fights and religious disturbances can destroy the internal unity and peace of the country and can make the situation even worst. Therefore we should come together and fight with this adverse situation and make humanity win the battle of life again.