Contracts became so common in lifestyle that the majority of the time we don’t even recognize that we’ve entered into one. Right from hiring a taxi to purchasing airline tickets online, countless things in our daily lives are ruled by contracts.

The Indian Contract Act, 1872 governs the way during which contracts are and perform in India. It governs the way during which the wants during a contract are implement and codifies the effect of a breach of vowe provisions.
Within the outline of the Act, parties are liberal to contract on any terms they choose. Indian Contract Act comprehends of limiting factors subject to which contract could also be entered into, executed, and breach enforced. It only provides an overview of rules and regulations which govern the creation and performance of the contract. The rights and duties of parties and terms of agreement are definite by the contracting parties themselves. The court of law acts to enforce an agreement, just in case of default.
Electronic contracts (contracts that aren’t paper-base but rather in electronic practice) are born out of the necessity for speed, suitability, and efficiency. In the electronic age, the entire contract is often completed in seconds. In this both parties simply attaching their digital signatures to an electronic copy of the contract. There’s no need for delay couriers and extra traveling costs in such a situation. There was initially a hesitation amongst the legislatures to acknowledge this contemporary technology. But now many countries have pass laws to acknowledge electronic contracts.
Essentials of an electronic contract
As in every other contract, an electronic contract also requires the subsequent requirements:
1. A suggestion requirements to be made.
2. The offer must be acknowledged.
3. There has got to be legal consideration.
4. There has got to be an intention to make lawful relations.
5. The parties must be ready to contract.
6. There must be free and unaffected consent.
7. The thing of the contract got to be lawful.
8. There must be conviction and the possibility of performance.
Information Technology Act, 2000 clarifies that electronic/online means of communication. They are often use for proposal, acceptance of the proposal, or revocation of a proposal.
Signature and Jurisdiction for Electronic Contract
Information Technology Act, 2000 recognizes digital signature as validation of e-contract contracts. Information Technology (Amendment) Act, 2008 substitute the term ‘digital signature’ with the term ‘electronic signature. A digital signature is that the technology-specific and is irreversibly unique to both the document and therefore the signer. However, an electronic signature is technology unbiased and general. However, there’s no standard for electronic signature. It is often either a typed name or digitized image of a handwritten signature.
Indian courts do recognize contracts execute over email. As an example, within the case of Trimex International FZE Limited, Dubai vs. Vendata Aluminum Ltd. The Supreme Court of India held that the contract between the parties was unconditionally accepted through e-mails. It was a legitimate contract which satisfy the wants of the ICA.
Since e-contracts aren’t physically signed and are conclude during a virtual space. Also determining territorial jurisdiction just in case of any dispute could be a challenge. Hence, e-contracts should mention what would be the governing laws. In which court would have jurisdiction to undertake disputes arising out of the contract.
If any jurisdiction isn’t mention in an e-contract, the jurisdiction is often determine to support the principal place of business of either party. as an example, within the case of PR Transport Agency vs. Union of India, the Allahabad supreme court decided the territorial jurisdiction supported the principal place of business of the petitioner (PR Transport Agency) for a contract communicated and accepted over email.
The process of paying stamp tax as defined under the stamp laws is applicable just for physical documents and isn’t feasible for e-contracts.
The first large online retail website. at present, with the rise in the number of internet users, e-contract is organize to grow further. The growing trend of internet banking and credit or debit cards alongside the increase within the number of educated and computer literate persons will further support this growth. the necessity of the hour is the law which covers all the aspects of e-contract extending from payment mechanism and maintaining minimum standards within the delivery of services. Such legislation will help to restraint the expansion of internet sites which rise within a couple of days then stop functioning within the absence of suitable funds for sustenance.
As all business through e-contract sites is end through the web with none direct physical interfaces. The most basic connections is that the trust of the purchasers which should be engage at any cost. A law during this field will detect the criminals who have used the web as a source for creating quick money. this may also act as a defense for the real e-contract websites and help in further growth of the business. there’s also a requirement for the creation of an authority within the consumer court to seem into the grievances arising out of e-contract transactions.
Such an authority should have experts in areas like payment security. this may embolden speedy redressal of disputes and promote e-contract transactions. E-contract which may be a developing segment within the commercial arenas schedule to grow and it’s the accountability of the prevailing players to make sure that growth isn’t hinder by their acts and policies.