This era can be called as Technology Period, because the various technological innovations and developments, has impacted a lot in lives of people, functioning of the business, or in any other sector ( Like Education, Medical etc). Technology is considered as a Blessing. It is because it made half of the task relatively easier and convenient. However, Technology sometimes can be propound as Bad or Evil. Though, the characteristic feature of Technology is determine by the purpose of its usage; whether it is used for relevant and adequate purpose or vice versa.
One of the Technological Innovation is ‘Artificial Intelligence’. In the 1950, fathers of this field Minsky and McCarthy defines AI as any work or task can be performed by machines, as the same as humans will carry out the same task or work, with the applications of skills and intelligence[1]. AI is imitation or simulation of human intelligence, which is processed by machines, mostly by computer systems. AI typically exhibit some of the behaviour which is associate with human intelligence. Such as Planning, Learning, Problem Solving, Creativity, etc.
As AI is the replica functioning of the Human, and can perform the same task assign. But with more effectively, efficiently and in less time. If the AI is that beneficial in terms of productivity of work, so what will be the effect of AI on the Legal Sector? Whether it will be Boon or Bane or a balancing bridge?
AI in Legal Sector- Boon or Bane
In Legal Sector, a huge amount of tasks are involve, like Verification of Documents, Legal Research of various cases, statues etc. Because it is very important to carry out each task carefully and properly. Otherwise a small error or negligence can be dangerous. Persons involve in Legal Field, whether it is Judge or a Lawyer or paralegal or a legal clerk, one is required to have the proper knowledge. And be update about everything about the surroundings as in various amendments in-laws, any new judgement which have a relatively great impact etc.
It can be identify that a lot of activities are to be undertaken. And for the same, good number of resources are require, as in associates, paralegals, etc. Especially to assist in the findings of the case. As a result of skilled lawyers mostly, are engage in this work. As a result, important work is somehow get neglected.
AI has made a great contribution in other industries, as for eg Medical, Hotel etc. But in case of Legal Sector, the contribution of AI is not much. But there is an anticipation that soon the AI will have a bigger contribution and interference in the working of the legal sector. As in Giving Legal Advice, Writing Judgements etc.
How AI can be Boon?
Indian Legal System is vast and dynamic, and it constantly changes. Therefore it increases the workload, as in to upgrade the knowledge in respect to laws. It is believe the most of the effort and time is consume in Legal Research. And this is a mandatory requirement that Research should be very precise and must be point to point related to the matter in hand.
Because of large involvement of tasks in a particular case only, for eg-as there is a large amount of involvement of paperwork only, the law firm is require to have the availability of every type of require source, such as Evidence Reading Expert, Research Assistants, Drafters etc, and this result in a huge amount of investment, and sometimes the work assigne consume a lot of time, and it can lead to delay in the case proceedings.
Use of AI
The AI can be use in those areas, where a lot of time is consume. As such in Legal Research. However, with AI the entire legal network can be well balance. Usage of AI in research platform will be effective and efficient. Because the required legal research will be available on the table in few seconds. And with this much effectiveness law firms will not require to have a large number of masses. There will be less expenditure, and the revenue earning and profit of the firms will increase. AI can provide lawyers with highly resourceful and advanced tools, as in helping the lawyers in litigation and client counselling. AI can be helpful in the Judgement Writing also, and the required task will be accomplished in less time.
Currently, AI has contributed in some areas of the legal field, and the result was useful, as in Intellectual Property- Artificial Intelligence tools have provided insights into the IP Cases, as in Search and Registration of trademark, patents, copyright. Enable to compare the trademark with other similar looking trademarks, as in for better future precautions. Prediction Technology- AI has a legal software in which prediction can be made as in for the outcome of the case, which is being adjudicated before the Court of Law and many more.[2]
Whether AI can be a Bane?
In the present scenario with the innovation in software, the AI has contributed in data finding, legal research etc, which have increased the productivity of the Lawyers, and provided the reliable and authentic information.
In case, if the software develop is more advance in future, and is likely to provide legal advice or counselling or undergoing Mediation process. There is a high key chance of the failure of software because the Legal Profession has to focus on findings, emotions, understandings, analysis and representation and a machine can only guide you about the outcome. But the main tasks involve in the end is to be complete by Human Lawyer only.
AI is an effective tool of productivity in the legal sector, it has the characteristic of performing the cumbersome tasks effectively and efficiently, and as a result, justice can be delivered on time.
[1] NicK Heath, ‘What is AI? Everything you need to know about Artificial Intelligence’ (Last Accessed : 05/05/2020 17:26pm)
[2] Mirza Aslam Beg, ‘Impact of AI on Indian Legal System’ (Last Accessed : 05/05/2020 19:52pm)